Jeroen Veenstra

Planning a last minute donation?

Planning a last minute donation for 2023 or you want to put one on your list for 2024? You should consider donate to Foundation AEGEE Trust Fund and support us in helping AEGEE / European Students’ Forum. Remember we posted about the option to donate via Bright Funds? Today we recieved positive news, we are about to recieve our first… Read more →

2022 annual and financial report

During the june 2022 boardmeeting, we reviewed and approved the 2022 annual report and financial report. We also discussed the outlook over 2023 and the challenges posed by low interest rates and rising costs. One of the issues we delt with during 2022 was the implementation of the EU Directive “on anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing” (AMLD). We are pleased… Read more →

20 year anniversary Foundation AEGEE Trust Fund

We have exciting news to share with you all! In December 2023, the Foundation AEGEE Trust Fund will celebrate 20 years of achievements and impact of our fund. The fund supports AEGEE projects and initiatives that promote European integration, youth empowerment, and intercultural dialogue. Learn more about the fund’s history, vision and future plans. And most of all, how you… Read more →


Supporting AEGEE-Europe  We are pleased to announce that we are temporary offering liquidity support to AEGEE-Europe to overcome unexpected administrative issues. Although we have been discussing about previous supports, the hard work of the Comité Directeur wasn’t needed before. This liquidity support also ends the long silent years we had during the covid-pandemic and shows the network starts living again.… Read more →

2021 annual report and financial report

During a special boardmeeting we adopted the annual report and financial report over 2021. With COVID-19 another year never to forget. You can find the reports at the FATF Results page. The annual report over 2021 also includes a forecast over 2022, we felt it was necessary to include with a view on the conflict in Ukraine after the invasion by Russia… Read more →

Conflict in Ukraine and FATF

The conflict in Ukraine hits home with many of our alumni and we #StandWithUkraine. Many of our alumni and present members are involved with ending the tremendous human suffering and calling for #peace in the conflict area. If you haven’t already, we call upon all to support these efforts. For example via your local International Federation of Red Cross and… Read more →

Change of board

After today’s boardmeeting, we welcome out new members of AEGEE / European Students’ Forum in our mids and are thankfull for our previous representatives of the Comite Directeur. With respect to the present COVID-19 situation, out boardmeeting did take place online and sadly not in Brussels. We all hope to be meeting soon again somewhere in Europe. Read more →

2019 annual report and financial report

During a special online boardmeeting we discussed the annual report and financal report we adopted the annual report and financial report over 2019. The report over 2019 saw two major issues: 1. There is a 0% interest rate on our savings, to cover our costs we reintroduced interest on the liquidity loans. Keeping the rate as low as possible. 2.… Read more →